The following article was found using my news search feature on Super Happy Fun Time, but it is sooooo awesome that I needed to make sure everyone saw it. It is super awesome for two reasons - First it is about the filming of Rock of Love Bus which means this show is actually real and not just a rumor and Second the article is on the Wall Street Journal Market Watch website, which in the current economic times I find especially entertaining!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Momma on Politics
This long awaited blog post comes courtesy of your friendly acquaintance's mom who recently wrote the following e-mail about why she is refusing to vote early in the state of Ohio:
So I have a question about the votes of all the people voting absentee or early. If McCain drops dead of old age or Obama is killed by a rabid McCain supporter, what happens to the votes of people who already voted? Are they just not counted? Do they count as votes for the VP nominee for president? Do they count for the party instead of the person, so if McCain kicks off all those people are voting for whoever the RNC picks to replace him? Maybe we could end up with Cheney as president! I googled but found nothing. Do you know any constitutional law scholars who might have an idea?
Oh how I love stream of consciousness typing....Thanks Mom!
So I have a question about the votes of all the people voting absentee or early. If McCain drops dead of old age or Obama is killed by a rabid McCain supporter, what happens to the votes of people who already voted? Are they just not counted? Do they count as votes for the VP nominee for president? Do they count for the party instead of the person, so if McCain kicks off all those people are voting for whoever the RNC picks to replace him? Maybe we could end up with Cheney as president! I googled but found nothing. Do you know any constitutional law scholars who might have an idea?
Oh how I love stream of consciousness typing....Thanks Mom!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Politics is not Super Happy Fun Time
So usually you're friendly acquaintance does not discuss politics because it is always more sad then funny. But if I don't get this out I think my head will explode. That or I will literally kick the shit out of the next Republican supporter I see.
1. Hello McCain camp -- if Obama had been talking about Palin he wouldn't have used the common phrase "putting lipstick on a pig" he would have said "putting lipstick on a bitchy, lying, corrupt whore". Duh. I guess I never knew grasping at straws could be so fun...but it must be awesome because the republi-fucks just can't get enough of it.
2. Hello Mrs. Palin -- You are as bad as all of the Islamic extremists who are committing violent acts. They are fighting a holy war with a mission from God, and you are fighting a holy war on a mission from God. So now both sides can be irrational fuckheads...doesn't that just scream security and stability.
WooHoo can't wait for you and old cancer face to invade Pakistan and Iran and North Korea. And of course we want to reinstate the draft; McCain wants everyone to have the same opportunities he had in life -- the chance to be tortured and die. But if you're lucky you might actually survive like McCain and someday marry you're own beer heiress.
Okay so I lied, there are two more
3. Palin, Thank you for proving that you don't have to be male to be part of the good ol' boys club. Corruption, cronyism, religious fanaticism, lying and pay-offs. Yes women can do it all too.
4. And finally: If all critics of Palin are being sexist, then all critics of Obama are being racist (although in the republi-fucks party that is probably worn as a badge of honor).
I would like to finish by adding that having different ideas about the economy and health care and energy can be good for the country. Different views bring debate and hopefully learning and growth. But if every time a candidate addresses an issue or questions your record, you whine that it is because you are a woman or because of the liberal media, you are not adding to the discourse of the nation. But then again most of your supporters are rubes anyway and don't understand what "discourse" means.
And yes, saying that makes me an elitist - but unfortunately I am a poor truthful elitist instead of a rich lying elitist like McCain.
And Palin, well she is not elitist, she's just a wrinkly ugly short fat dog with lipstick who likes to attack all visitors whether friend or foe.
1. Hello McCain camp -- if Obama had been talking about Palin he wouldn't have used the common phrase "putting lipstick on a pig" he would have said "putting lipstick on a bitchy, lying, corrupt whore". Duh. I guess I never knew grasping at straws could be so fun...but it must be awesome because the republi-fucks just can't get enough of it.
2. Hello Mrs. Palin -- You are as bad as all of the Islamic extremists who are committing violent acts. They are fighting a holy war with a mission from God, and you are fighting a holy war on a mission from God. So now both sides can be irrational fuckheads...doesn't that just scream security and stability.
WooHoo can't wait for you and old cancer face to invade Pakistan and Iran and North Korea. And of course we want to reinstate the draft; McCain wants everyone to have the same opportunities he had in life -- the chance to be tortured and die. But if you're lucky you might actually survive like McCain and someday marry you're own beer heiress.
Okay so I lied, there are two more
3. Palin, Thank you for proving that you don't have to be male to be part of the good ol' boys club. Corruption, cronyism, religious fanaticism, lying and pay-offs. Yes women can do it all too.
4. And finally: If all critics of Palin are being sexist, then all critics of Obama are being racist (although in the republi-fucks party that is probably worn as a badge of honor).
I would like to finish by adding that having different ideas about the economy and health care and energy can be good for the country. Different views bring debate and hopefully learning and growth. But if every time a candidate addresses an issue or questions your record, you whine that it is because you are a woman or because of the liberal media, you are not adding to the discourse of the nation. But then again most of your supporters are rubes anyway and don't understand what "discourse" means.
And yes, saying that makes me an elitist - but unfortunately I am a poor truthful elitist instead of a rich lying elitist like McCain.
And Palin, well she is not elitist, she's just a wrinkly ugly short fat dog with lipstick who likes to attack all visitors whether friend or foe.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Odd Book Titles - Warning - Long and only mildly humorous
So to start with, I have to confess that I did not find the wonder list below on my own. A friend forwarded it to me after one of his co-workers forwarded it to another co-worker who then forwarded it to him. I guess co-worker number one didn't actually like my friend that much.
Apparently, for the past 30 years, the Bookseller magazine has awarded a prize to the oddest book title it can find. The original source is
The titles are listed below, but in order to save all of my readers the agony of wondering what each book is really about or if it has an important moral or message, I have also included what I will call an executive summary of each of the books.
1978: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Nude Mice
Hey it worked for the mice in Flower's for Algernon, why ruin a good thing
1979: The Madam as Entrepreneur: Career Management in House Prostitution
Step one - find whore. Step two - manage whore. Step three - once whore is past her prime, rob her and kick her out of your house.
1980: The Joy of Chickens
Being gently put to sleep before they hack your head off
1981: Last Chance at Love: Terminal Romances
Too sad to joke about, I mean I am surprised this made it onto the list. I suppose there could be some kind of airport bathroom reference (get it, terminals) but really people dying is sad. But chickens dying is still funny.
1982: Population and Other Problems - China National Publications
The solution is pollution (oh that rhymes:) well pollution and that whole murdering your enemies thing they've got going on
1983: The Theory of Lengthwise Rolling
How to roll a good joint ( for all those cool rebel kids out there)
1984: The Book of Marmalade: Its Antecedents, Its History and Its Role in the World Today.
People like Jam. If you don't like jam, you are a tard.
1985: Natural Bust Enlargement with Total Power: How to Increase the Other 90% of Your Mind to Increase the Size of Your Breasts
This book has since been replace by one entitled "The Water Bra for Dummies"
1986: Oral Sadism and the Vegetarian Personality
Lauren - any comments?
1987: No Award
Well poop. Don't blame me, I was only 7 and therefore not up to penning the next great novel.
1988: Versailles: The View From Sweden
Wet and foggy
1989: How to Shit in the Woods: An Environmentally Sound Approach to a Lost Art
A how to guide for people who are too stupid to find and use a bathroom (even a porta-potty would do)
1990: Lesbian Sadomasochism Safety Manual
1991: No Award
I was still only 11, and while I was writing on the level of Dickens, I would not have been able to follow on the heels of Lesbian Sadomasochism
1992: How to Avoid Huge Ships
A) Step one: Stay on land you dumb ass
B) Step one: While asea look around your boat/ship. Step two - if HUGE ship is coming your way, move. Step three - Pat yourself on the back for not actually being moronic enough to need this book
1993: American Bottom Archaeology
I prefer the term 'ass' or at the very least 'buttocks'. But the real disappointment is that it doesn't use the word excrement in the text.
1994: Highlights in the History of Concrete
300 blank pages
1995: Reusing Old Graves
Step one - Dig up body. Step two - Rob grave. Step three - take the express train to hell for writing a book like this.
1996: Greek Rural Postmen and Their Cancellation Numbers
And by 'cancellation numbers' they mean gay sex preferences
1997: The Joy of Sex: Pocket Edition
Haha..funny pun about small things and sex
1998: Development in Dairy Cow Breeding and Management: and New Opportunities to Widen the Uses of Straw
Step one - find whore. Step two - make whore sleep on straw. Step three - milk cow
1999: Weeds in a Changing World
Follow-up the runaway best selling "Stupid Shit about Weeds"
2000: High Performance Stiffened Structures
Insert lame Viagra joke here
2001: Butterworths Corporate Manslaughter Service
2002: Living With Crazy Buttocks
Oh shit! I'm so bored now...this list is too long...all of the humor had been sucked out of the blogosphere
2003: The Big Book of Lesbian Horse Stories
Is it lesbian horses or lesbians with horses or lesbians with lesbian horses or...seriously the title should be more descriptive.
2004: Bombproof Your Horse
Or Hey paranoid fuckhead get some counseling
2005: People Who Don't Know They're Dead: How They Attach Themselves to Unsuspecting Bystanders and What to Do About It
Rip off of Ghost but without the pottery scene
2006: The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America: A Guide to Field Identification
Trust me, it's funnier if you just imagine this book for yourself
2007: If You Want Closure In Your Relationship, Start With Your Legs
It's official. I am no longer funny.
Apparently, for the past 30 years, the Bookseller magazine has awarded a prize to the oddest book title it can find. The original source is
The titles are listed below, but in order to save all of my readers the agony of wondering what each book is really about or if it has an important moral or message, I have also included what I will call an executive summary of each of the books.
1978: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Nude Mice
Hey it worked for the mice in Flower's for Algernon, why ruin a good thing
1979: The Madam as Entrepreneur: Career Management in House Prostitution
Step one - find whore. Step two - manage whore. Step three - once whore is past her prime, rob her and kick her out of your house.
1980: The Joy of Chickens
Being gently put to sleep before they hack your head off
1981: Last Chance at Love: Terminal Romances
Too sad to joke about, I mean I am surprised this made it onto the list. I suppose there could be some kind of airport bathroom reference (get it, terminals) but really people dying is sad. But chickens dying is still funny.
1982: Population and Other Problems - China National Publications
The solution is pollution (oh that rhymes:) well pollution and that whole murdering your enemies thing they've got going on
1983: The Theory of Lengthwise Rolling
How to roll a good joint ( for all those cool rebel kids out there)
1984: The Book of Marmalade: Its Antecedents, Its History and Its Role in the World Today.
People like Jam. If you don't like jam, you are a tard.
1985: Natural Bust Enlargement with Total Power: How to Increase the Other 90% of Your Mind to Increase the Size of Your Breasts
This book has since been replace by one entitled "The Water Bra for Dummies"
1986: Oral Sadism and the Vegetarian Personality
Lauren - any comments?
1987: No Award
Well poop. Don't blame me, I was only 7 and therefore not up to penning the next great novel.
1988: Versailles: The View From Sweden
Wet and foggy
1989: How to Shit in the Woods: An Environmentally Sound Approach to a Lost Art
A how to guide for people who are too stupid to find and use a bathroom (even a porta-potty would do)
1990: Lesbian Sadomasochism Safety Manual
1991: No Award
I was still only 11, and while I was writing on the level of Dickens, I would not have been able to follow on the heels of Lesbian Sadomasochism
1992: How to Avoid Huge Ships
A) Step one: Stay on land you dumb ass
B) Step one: While asea look around your boat/ship. Step two - if HUGE ship is coming your way, move. Step three - Pat yourself on the back for not actually being moronic enough to need this book
1993: American Bottom Archaeology
I prefer the term 'ass' or at the very least 'buttocks'. But the real disappointment is that it doesn't use the word excrement in the text.
1994: Highlights in the History of Concrete
300 blank pages
1995: Reusing Old Graves
Step one - Dig up body. Step two - Rob grave. Step three - take the express train to hell for writing a book like this.
1996: Greek Rural Postmen and Their Cancellation Numbers
And by 'cancellation numbers' they mean gay sex preferences
1997: The Joy of Sex: Pocket Edition
Haha..funny pun about small things and sex
1998: Development in Dairy Cow Breeding and Management: and New Opportunities to Widen the Uses of Straw
Step one - find whore. Step two - make whore sleep on straw. Step three - milk cow
1999: Weeds in a Changing World
Follow-up the runaway best selling "Stupid Shit about Weeds"
2000: High Performance Stiffened Structures
Insert lame Viagra joke here
2001: Butterworths Corporate Manslaughter Service
2002: Living With Crazy Buttocks
Oh shit! I'm so bored now...this list is too long...all of the humor had been sucked out of the blogosphere
2003: The Big Book of Lesbian Horse Stories
Is it lesbian horses or lesbians with horses or lesbians with lesbian horses or...seriously the title should be more descriptive.
2004: Bombproof Your Horse
Or Hey paranoid fuckhead get some counseling
2005: People Who Don't Know They're Dead: How They Attach Themselves to Unsuspecting Bystanders and What to Do About It
Rip off of Ghost but without the pottery scene
2006: The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America: A Guide to Field Identification
Trust me, it's funnier if you just imagine this book for yourself
2007: If You Want Closure In Your Relationship, Start With Your Legs
It's official. I am no longer funny.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Do your toe nails look like fingernails?
I was in the elevator this morning and I was staring at the floor to avoid making eye contact with the annoying cheerful people who like to say hello to every man, women and ficus tree that they may pass on the way to their office. While staring at the floor, I tend to examine people's feet. Sometimes I admire a cute pair of shoes other times it is merely to see that most men do not know that black socks do not go with brown shoes. But today was no usual Today I see a woman wearing sandals who had some of the longest toe nails I has ever seen. she had a french pedicure with the white tip extending way past the end of her toe.
What the hell is up with this. Hello all people everywhere. Toe nails are meant to be short. Pretty soon I expect to see women with lee press-on nails glued to their tootsies. You know maybe with hot pink polish and some glue on crystals, or maybe a classy airbrush pattern. And if I ever do see this I will laugh loudly while pointing at the offending toe, also making choice remarks about the persons obviously unsophisticated upbringing.
Toe offenders - consider yourself warned!
I mean really! This has now topped "pantyhose with open toed shoes" as my number one foot related pet peeve.
Side note:
Oh and has anyone seen the new Heidi from the Hills music video? She is dressed like Jane Fonda in a 1980's aerobic video complete with leotard and sweatbands and other weird badly dressed sweaty people in the background. It makes me long for the days of her screeching on a beach showing off her wing span.
PS. I am typing this on a braille keypad because I gouged my own eyes out.
What the hell is up with this. Hello all people everywhere. Toe nails are meant to be short. Pretty soon I expect to see women with lee press-on nails glued to their tootsies. You know maybe with hot pink polish and some glue on crystals, or maybe a classy airbrush pattern. And if I ever do see this I will laugh loudly while pointing at the offending toe, also making choice remarks about the persons obviously unsophisticated upbringing.
Toe offenders - consider yourself warned!
I mean really! This has now topped "pantyhose with open toed shoes" as my number one foot related pet peeve.
Side note:
Oh and has anyone seen the new Heidi from the Hills music video? She is dressed like Jane Fonda in a 1980's aerobic video complete with leotard and sweatbands and other weird badly dressed sweaty people in the background. It makes me long for the days of her screeching on a beach showing off her wing span.
PS. I am typing this on a braille keypad because I gouged my own eyes out.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Which Immigration Law Firm Character are you?
Have you ever wondered which character you would be if you worked in an Immigration Law Firm? People stop me on the street almost everyday and ask for advice on how to answer this age old question. After careful consideration, I have created the following quiz a la Cosmo quiz style, to end this crisis of self discovery.
1. When you think of home you think of..?
b) Magnetic Poetry arranged in dirty phrases
c) Orthodox Jews
d) Husband, child, rainbows and sunshine
e) No heat and water flooding your ceiling
2. Which is your ideal pet?
a) a dead plant
b) a wine somalie
c) a cat that projectile vomits
d) a cat that pees on you while you are asleep
e) a cat that plays fetch like a dog
3. What is your religion?
a) Shoes
b) New Yorker
c) Lapsed Catholic
d) Puerto Rican
e) Catholic, but only because you like the idea of Purgatory
4. Which item would most likely be found in your desk drawer at work?
a) Smelly hand lotion
b) Smokes
c) Paper weight that really should be displayed proudly on your desk
d) Phallic shaped hair product
e) You don't have a desk drawer
f)Files on your co-workers
5. Which most closely resembles your future goals?
a) Shoes
b) Shoes
c) To own all the items ever offered on HSN
d) Move back to Seattle
e) Either be left alone or to achieve world domination...depends on your mood
6. When accosted on the street how do you react?
a) As long as they aren't yelling at you in Spanish with a bullhorn it doesn't really bother you
b) You yell back at the person because you have had a really bad day and you can't believe they just told you that you have a fat ass
c) I am too cool to be accosted
d) Laugh loudly at them (And I mean really loud) and continue on your way
e) You yell back and follow the people down the street continuing to point out their short comings and asking if they would like to come back and say it to your face
7. Which of the following is most likely to happen to you?
a) Wear two different shoes to work
b) Fall out of a cab and end up needing stitches
b) Having a bird shit on you
c) This kind of stuff doesn't happen to me, or else I just don't tell people when it does
e) Run into a parked car while riding your bike on an empty street
8. How do you handle a difficult co-worker?
a) Kick office doors when they make you mad
b) Spy on them to gather ammunition
c) Stare blankly at co-worker in disbelief that they actually had the balls to say/do that to you
d) Really spy on them to gather ammunition, such as breaking into their locked desk drawers
e) Fashion a homemade voodoo doll from office supplies
9. How do you feel about ninjas?
a) I wish I was a ninja
b) I wonder which job code ninjas would fit under and whether or not I will need to create a new data sheet for ninja specific cases
c) I couldn't possibly care any less about ninjas
d) I think ninjas look great on band-aids
e) I am a ninja
Which character are you?
If you answered mostly a) you are Gina. You are very girly with cute shoes and an obsession about whether or not your hair looks like you just stuck your finger in a light socket. You love ninjas. You do not own a pair of tennis shoes and you are completely devoid of sweat glands.
If you answered mostly b) you are Kevina. You are stylish and also love cute shoes, however sometime you are absentminded and you wash said cute shoes in the washing machine. You tend to a bit clumsy and have weird shit happen to you. Lesser people look up to you for your ability to wear white pants and not spill stuff on yourself, it's practically a super power.
If you answered mostly c) you are Lauren. You are a stylish professional attorney. You have a great sense of humor, but sometimes you have to pretend to be an adult which is just no fun at all. You have great purses and a little chicken that poops candy for Easter. Your feet are deathly allergic to the sun and you always have the remains of a previous meal on your desk.
If you answered mostly d) you are Deb. You are a tiny Puerto Rican with an awesomely loud laugh. You are the office mom, but a cool mom who drinks and curses and tells inappropriate jokes. You tend to wear stripped pants to the office and refer to your child as "the offspring"
If you answered mostly e) you are Amanda and you are just freakin fabulous!!!
If you answered f) to any of the questions please go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200
1. When you think of home you think of..?
b) Magnetic Poetry arranged in dirty phrases
c) Orthodox Jews
d) Husband, child, rainbows and sunshine
e) No heat and water flooding your ceiling
2. Which is your ideal pet?
a) a dead plant
b) a wine somalie
c) a cat that projectile vomits
d) a cat that pees on you while you are asleep
e) a cat that plays fetch like a dog
3. What is your religion?
a) Shoes
b) New Yorker
c) Lapsed Catholic
d) Puerto Rican
e) Catholic, but only because you like the idea of Purgatory
4. Which item would most likely be found in your desk drawer at work?
a) Smelly hand lotion
b) Smokes
c) Paper weight that really should be displayed proudly on your desk
d) Phallic shaped hair product
e) You don't have a desk drawer
f)Files on your co-workers
5. Which most closely resembles your future goals?
a) Shoes
b) Shoes
c) To own all the items ever offered on HSN
d) Move back to Seattle
e) Either be left alone or to achieve world domination...depends on your mood
6. When accosted on the street how do you react?
a) As long as they aren't yelling at you in Spanish with a bullhorn it doesn't really bother you
b) You yell back at the person because you have had a really bad day and you can't believe they just told you that you have a fat ass
c) I am too cool to be accosted
d) Laugh loudly at them (And I mean really loud) and continue on your way
e) You yell back and follow the people down the street continuing to point out their short comings and asking if they would like to come back and say it to your face
7. Which of the following is most likely to happen to you?
a) Wear two different shoes to work
b) Fall out of a cab and end up needing stitches
b) Having a bird shit on you
c) This kind of stuff doesn't happen to me, or else I just don't tell people when it does
e) Run into a parked car while riding your bike on an empty street
8. How do you handle a difficult co-worker?
a) Kick office doors when they make you mad
b) Spy on them to gather ammunition
c) Stare blankly at co-worker in disbelief that they actually had the balls to say/do that to you
d) Really spy on them to gather ammunition, such as breaking into their locked desk drawers
e) Fashion a homemade voodoo doll from office supplies
9. How do you feel about ninjas?
a) I wish I was a ninja
b) I wonder which job code ninjas would fit under and whether or not I will need to create a new data sheet for ninja specific cases
c) I couldn't possibly care any less about ninjas
d) I think ninjas look great on band-aids
e) I am a ninja
Which character are you?
If you answered mostly a) you are Gina. You are very girly with cute shoes and an obsession about whether or not your hair looks like you just stuck your finger in a light socket. You love ninjas. You do not own a pair of tennis shoes and you are completely devoid of sweat glands.
If you answered mostly b) you are Kevina. You are stylish and also love cute shoes, however sometime you are absentminded and you wash said cute shoes in the washing machine. You tend to a bit clumsy and have weird shit happen to you. Lesser people look up to you for your ability to wear white pants and not spill stuff on yourself, it's practically a super power.
If you answered mostly c) you are Lauren. You are a stylish professional attorney. You have a great sense of humor, but sometimes you have to pretend to be an adult which is just no fun at all. You have great purses and a little chicken that poops candy for Easter. Your feet are deathly allergic to the sun and you always have the remains of a previous meal on your desk.
If you answered mostly d) you are Deb. You are a tiny Puerto Rican with an awesomely loud laugh. You are the office mom, but a cool mom who drinks and curses and tells inappropriate jokes. You tend to wear stripped pants to the office and refer to your child as "the offspring"
If you answered mostly e) you are Amanda and you are just freakin fabulous!!!
If you answered f) to any of the questions please go straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200
Friday, August 8, 2008
The Express
Super Happy Fun Times ultimate dream: To be featured in the "Blog Log" in the Washington Post Express paper.
As an avid express reader and lover of random shit, it would be my greatest achievement to be featured in in the Blog log column. Unfortunately, they seem to favor posting blogs that feature quasi-relevant or recent events, which you will have discovered by now, is not super happy fun time.
Rather than pander to the news grubbing elite, I will just continue to spew random shit and mentioning my dream of being in the Express in hopes that an editor will someday stumble across Super Happy Fun Time and see how perfect this blog would be for their paper.
As a back up plan I will include a few key Boolean search terms for current events:
McCain, Sex Kidnapper Puppy Cloner, Obama AND Paris Hilton, Naked Germans AND Poland, Grey Poupon.
As an avid express reader and lover of random shit, it would be my greatest achievement to be featured in in the Blog log column. Unfortunately, they seem to favor posting blogs that feature quasi-relevant or recent events, which you will have discovered by now, is not super happy fun time.
Rather than pander to the news grubbing elite, I will just continue to spew random shit and mentioning my dream of being in the Express in hopes that an editor will someday stumble across Super Happy Fun Time and see how perfect this blog would be for their paper.
As a back up plan I will include a few key Boolean search terms for current events:
McCain, Sex Kidnapper Puppy Cloner, Obama AND Paris Hilton, Naked Germans AND Poland, Grey Poupon.
Ninjas - Part 2
When I think of Spring time, I think of Ninjas
And alas, since it is no longer Spring-time, I am officially unable to continue to post of the topic of Ninjas. I know dear readers, the grief is just too much to handle, but be strong. I know you can get through this trying time. The Ninja lovers support group will be help every weekday night at Gina's apartment at 8pm. We will watch "Ninja of the Night" every sessions as well as visit "Ask a Ninja" for guidance on how to conduct our lives until Spring comes once again.
If you are feeling weak between the support groups, please utilize the ninja related links listed under Other Super Happy Fun Things.
Live Strong!
And alas, since it is no longer Spring-time, I am officially unable to continue to post of the topic of Ninjas. I know dear readers, the grief is just too much to handle, but be strong. I know you can get through this trying time. The Ninja lovers support group will be help every weekday night at Gina's apartment at 8pm. We will watch "Ninja of the Night" every sessions as well as visit "Ask a Ninja" for guidance on how to conduct our lives until Spring comes once again.
If you are feeling weak between the support groups, please utilize the ninja related links listed under Other Super Happy Fun Things.
Live Strong!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Hello again devoted readers! I know some of you have been clamouring for the second installment of the awesomeness of Ninjas, but that will have to wait because I have something extremely time sensitive that HAS to be shared.
This coming Saturday, June 7, 2008 is "World Naked Bike Ride DC". Yes folks, you read that correctly pull out your Schwinn, strip down to your birthday suit and straddle your banana seat -- its time to show Bush that we won't take any more of his dependency on lubricating liquids.
And you have to go to the costume suggestions. The picture is just too fabulous for words.
But the best part may be that is is scheduled on the same day and in the same area as
Race for a Cure". Should make for an interesting crowd.
This coming Saturday, June 7, 2008 is "World Naked Bike Ride DC". Yes folks, you read that correctly pull out your Schwinn, strip down to your birthday suit and straddle your banana seat -- its time to show Bush that we won't take any more of his dependency on lubricating liquids.
And you have to go to the costume suggestions. The picture is just too fabulous for words.
But the best part may be that is is scheduled on the same day and in the same area as
Race for a Cure". Should make for an interesting crowd.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The Awesomeness that is Ninjas - Part I
Ninjas! Ninjas! Ninjas!

This one little picture became a source of hours of entertainment, but first it generate tons of questions. I mean do they actually use little action figures to do Shakespeare? Do they move them around on a stage while speaking? Are they ever actually in people's mouths and why is this dude doing a Mr. Ed impression?
I will always regret that I wasn't able to attend the tiny ninja theater here in DC. To this day my obsession with Ninjas has continued to spiral out of control . The next 3 postings will chronicle the progression of this newly identified mental illness. This disease has yet to be named, suggestions are welcome.
This week's Super Happy Fun Time is the first of a four week series about the awesomeness of Ninjas.
The Ninja phenomenom began one day in the Spring of 2007 when yours truly came across a flyer for Tiny Ninja Theater being performed at the Kennedy Center in a Starbucks in downtown DC. I was working in an immigration law practice and we were taking an afternoon coffee break (yes, coffee breaks are billable). But since I don't drink coffee (because coffee is evil, just like robots) I was browsing through the random brochure stand and was confronted with the following picture:

This one little picture became a source of hours of entertainment, but first it generate tons of questions. I mean do they actually use little action figures to do Shakespeare? Do they move them around on a stage while speaking? Are they ever actually in people's mouths and why is this dude doing a Mr. Ed impression?
Luckily, Tiny Ninja Theater had a wonderful website that helped us to answer some of these queries. It also helped us waste time while at work with the Tiny Ninja Theater Production Studio - where you can create your very own Ninja scenes with a variety of backgrounds.
SIDENOTE - if your greencard didn't get processed last year, sorry, but Ninjas are always our first priority.
I will always regret that I wasn't able to attend the tiny ninja theater here in DC. To this day my obsession with Ninjas has continued to spiral out of control . The next 3 postings will chronicle the progression of this newly identified mental illness. This disease has yet to be named, suggestions are welcome.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Woe is me -- how many weirdos can there be
One of my long-time avid readers was kind enough to conduct some research on the many uses, misuses and corruptions of "Super Happy Fun Time". In her comment to my blog she points out that there are a lot of weirdos out there in the world and almost all of them have posted something to the internet in reference to "Super Happy Fun Time". Now I am sure you are asking yourself, does this make your friendly acquaintance a weirdo? Don't worry little children the answer is no. Your freindly acquaintance is not a weirdo, she is a freak.
Now, because we should all get to share in DQ's joy of discovery, I am including a number of links for your perusal:
Now, because we should all get to share in DQ's joy of discovery, I am including a number of links for your perusal:
- Defining Super Happy Fun Time - But WARNING this is a load of crap. The true and rightful definition is seen in the welcome post!
- A Video featuring "Oh Micky your so fine"
- Why does Burlesque keep coming up in this blog? And who exactly is "Mr. Happy Pants"?
- Another blog called super happy fun time (BASTARDS) but it appears to be about bicycles??
- A blog that features something called a "placenta roast" WARNING WARNING - Lauren do not look at this
- If you need any "oriental props" go here
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Why my mom is awesome
Happy Mother's Day everyone.
Today's super happy fun time is brought to you by my mother, who is awesome for a number of reasons, list to follow:
1. When asked "how are you today?" she responds with Just Ducky, which I am told falls slightly below "peachy"
2. She has kept "Smooth move ex-lax" alive as an insult
3. She is up to date on the number of times Bret Michaels uses the word "awesome" on The Rock of Love
Today's super happy fun time is brought to you by my mother, who is awesome for a number of reasons, list to follow:
1. When asked "how are you today?" she responds with Just Ducky, which I am told falls slightly below "peachy"
2. She has kept "Smooth move ex-lax" alive as an insult
3. She is up to date on the number of times Bret Michaels uses the word "awesome" on The Rock of Love
-- See link to the Columbus Dispatch where this has been tracked
-- What exactly does "awesome" mean?
Next Weeks Super Happy Fun Time - Ninjas! Ninjas! Ninjas!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy International Migratory Bird Day
Yes ladies and gentlemen, today is International Migratory Bird Day!
How will you spend this sacred occasion? I will be celebrating our fleeing feathered friends along with millions of my fellow "bird shit" worshipers at the International Migratory Bird Day Festival in DC. I have graciously included the details below:
Guided walks, children's games and other games are on tap as the park celebrates the theme of "Tundra to Tropics: Connecting Birds, Habitats and People."
6:30 a.m. Saturday, May 10
Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens
1550 Anacostia Ave. NE Washington, DC
As an alternative, you could also celebrate by attending the National Train Day festivities at Union Station where, if you are extremely well behaved, Santa Claus may grant you with the joy of meeting Al Rocker who is making a "celebrity" appearance.
OR for those of you who are in bed with Satan and do not like Birds or Trains, you can attend some free classes today during "Learn-a-Palooza"
Some of my favorite offerings are the "Driving on Waste Veggie Oil" and "Be a Brazen Burlesque Performer
Till we meet again
--Your friendly acquaintance
How will you spend this sacred occasion? I will be celebrating our fleeing feathered friends along with millions of my fellow "bird shit" worshipers at the International Migratory Bird Day Festival in DC. I have graciously included the details below:
Guided walks, children's games and other games are on tap as the park celebrates the theme of "Tundra to Tropics: Connecting Birds, Habitats and People."
6:30 a.m. Saturday, May 10
Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens
1550 Anacostia Ave. NE Washington, DC
As an alternative, you could also celebrate by attending the National Train Day festivities at Union Station where, if you are extremely well behaved, Santa Claus may grant you with the joy of meeting Al Rocker who is making a "celebrity" appearance.
OR for those of you who are in bed with Satan and do not like Birds or Trains, you can attend some free classes today during "Learn-a-Palooza"
Some of my favorite offerings are the "Driving on Waste Veggie Oil" and "Be a Brazen Burlesque Performer
Till we meet again
--Your friendly acquaintance
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Are robots evil?
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Welcome to Super Happy Fun Time.
A compilation of random rants, stories and ninja trivia.
Rant #1 - The Trauma of naming a blog
After a week or so of being encouraged by co-workers to start a blog, I was finally bored enough at work to create one. First task - pick a name. The first suggestion was to call my masterpiece the "Misanthropic Rant", but that sounded a little too mean. Then we scaled it back to "Misanthropic Tendencies", but that just sounded weird and I don't really like the word "tendency". The second idea was to call it "The friendly acquaintance", but as one of my co-workers pointed out, that made me sound like a dirty old uncle.
So in the spirit of compromise my new blog is entitled "Super Happy Fun Time" [(c) 2007 Amanda and Gina] but I will remain your friendly acquaintance. When I tried to register the address I was told that my chosen address had already been taken. And to add salt to the proverbial wound, when I search for the miscreant who had so callously stolen my name, I discovered the following website:
As you will no doubt notice, nothing has been posted on this site since 2005, so if you ever have the occasion to be in touch with Audry Podry or her robots, please kindly request that she "RELEASE AMANDA's URL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
After I was done with my outburst, I then decided to break form and use the plural superhappyfuntimeS, but because God hates me, this too was already taken. This time the culprit was a gentleman who styled himself "GengisHan" which I might find mildly entertaining save for the fact that once again the URL is not even being put to good use.
So, "misanthropic rants" was reintroduced to the mix as the official blogspot address. So avid readers add the following address to your favorites list immediately
-- your friendly acquaintance
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