Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Momma on Politics

This long awaited blog post comes courtesy of your friendly acquaintance's mom who recently wrote the following e-mail about why she is refusing to vote early in the state of Ohio:

So I have a question about the votes of all the people voting absentee or early. If McCain drops dead of old age or Obama is killed by a rabid McCain supporter, what happens to the votes of people who already voted? Are they just not counted? Do they count as votes for the VP nominee for president? Do they count for the party instead of the person, so if McCain kicks off all those people are voting for whoever the RNC picks to replace him? Maybe we could end up with Cheney as president! I googled but found nothing. Do you know any constitutional law scholars who might have an idea?

Oh how I love stream of consciousness typing....Thanks Mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An Obama supporter came to the door today looking for you. (Ohio is soooo much fun in election years). I told her the reason you had not voted here recently is that you did not live here anymore. She said she was a lawyer, so I asked her my question. She did not know the answer offhand but checked with a lawyer friend and called back and said it would count as a vote for the VP candidate.