Welcome to Super Happy Fun Time.
A compilation of random rants, stories and ninja trivia.
Rant #1 - The Trauma of naming a blog
After a week or so of being encouraged by co-workers to start a blog, I was finally bored enough at work to create one. First task - pick a name. The first suggestion was to call my masterpiece the "Misanthropic Rant", but that sounded a little too mean. Then we scaled it back to "Misanthropic Tendencies", but that just sounded weird and I don't really like the word "tendency". The second idea was to call it "The friendly acquaintance", but as one of my co-workers pointed out, that made me sound like a dirty old uncle.
So in the spirit of compromise my new blog is entitled "Super Happy Fun Time" [(c) 2007 Amanda and Gina] but I will remain your friendly acquaintance. When I tried to register the address superhappyfuntime.blogspot.com I was told that my chosen address had already been taken. And to add salt to the proverbial wound, when I search for the miscreant who had so callously stolen my name, I discovered the following website:
As you will no doubt notice, nothing has been posted on this site since 2005, so if you ever have the occasion to be in touch with Audry Podry or her robots, please kindly request that she "RELEASE AMANDA's URL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
After I was done with my outburst, I then decided to break form and use the plural superhappyfuntimeS, but because God hates me, this too was already taken. This time the culprit was a gentleman who styled himself "GengisHan" which I might find mildly entertaining save for the fact that once again the URL is not even being put to good use.
So, "misanthropic rants" was reintroduced to the mix as the official blogspot address. So avid readers add the following address to your favorites list immediately
-- your friendly acquaintance
As horrible a crime it is to abuse the Super Happy Fun Time URL, I must say I approve of a house full of cocktails and robots. This is a house I need to visit. Of course, I am also wondering if the robots are limited to serving the cocktails, or if they are able to consume them as well. If the latter, do the robots rust?
I think I've come up with the name for my "sister blog". How does The Half Eaten Donut sound?
I typed in super happy fun time on the rectangle thing next to the G on the upper left hand corner and I get this strange youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2INptGhmgo. And then I found a burlesque site in some mid-western state! I also found a blog about a woman who obviously hates her grandmother, a store where one can buy sailor moon earrings, more blogs by a guy named Enrique, another guy named Dan (NOT Mr. Liquid Ass), another by Joe the Janitor who said the world is made of cheese, a blog from Minnesota touting the virtues of Popeye, Mr. Pantz' Super Happy Funtime Show - Jayzus, the list goes on and on. Who are all those fruitcakes and weirdos? The video was entertaining though.
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