Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Awesomeness that is Ninjas - Part I

Ninjas! Ninjas! Ninjas!

This week's Super Happy Fun Time is the first of a four week series about the awesomeness of Ninjas.

The Ninja phenomenom began one day in the Spring of 2007 when yours truly came across a flyer for Tiny Ninja Theater being performed at the Kennedy Center in a Starbucks in downtown DC. I was working in an immigration law practice and we were taking an afternoon coffee break (yes, coffee breaks are billable). But since I don't drink coffee (because coffee is evil, just like robots) I was browsing through the random brochure stand and was confronted with the following picture:

This one little picture became a source of hours of entertainment, but first it generate tons of questions. I mean do they actually use little action figures to do Shakespeare? Do they move them around on a stage while speaking? Are they ever actually in people's mouths and why is this dude doing a Mr. Ed impression?

Luckily, Tiny Ninja Theater had a wonderful website that helped us to answer some of these queries. It also helped us waste time while at work with the Tiny Ninja Theater Production Studio - where you can create your very own Ninja scenes with a variety of backgrounds.

SIDENOTE - if your greencard didn't get processed last year, sorry, but Ninjas are always our first priority.

I will always regret that I wasn't able to attend the tiny ninja theater here in DC. To this day my obsession with Ninjas has continued to spiral out of control . The next 3 postings will chronicle the progression of this newly identified mental illness. This disease has yet to be named, suggestions are welcome.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Woe is me -- how many weirdos can there be

One of my long-time avid readers was kind enough to conduct some research on the many uses, misuses and corruptions of "Super Happy Fun Time". In her comment to my blog she points out that there are a lot of weirdos out there in the world and almost all of them have posted something to the internet in reference to "Super Happy Fun Time". Now I am sure you are asking yourself, does this make your friendly acquaintance a weirdo? Don't worry little children the answer is no. Your freindly acquaintance is not a weirdo, she is a freak.

Now, because we should all get to share in DQ's joy of discovery, I am including a number of links for your perusal:

  • Defining Super Happy Fun Time - But WARNING this is a load of crap. The true and rightful definition is seen in the welcome post!

  • A Video featuring "Oh Micky your so fine"

  • Why does Burlesque keep coming up in this blog? And who exactly is "Mr. Happy Pants"?

  • Another blog called super happy fun time (BASTARDS) but it appears to be about bicycles??

  • A blog that features something called a "placenta roast" WARNING WARNING - Lauren do not look at this

  • If you need any "oriental props" go here

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Why my mom is awesome

Happy Mother's Day everyone.

Today's super happy fun time is brought to you by my mother, who is awesome for a number of reasons, list to follow:

1. When asked "how are you today?" she responds with Just Ducky, which I am told falls slightly below "peachy"

2. She has kept "Smooth move ex-lax" alive as an insult

3. She is up to date on the number of times Bret Michaels uses the word "awesome" on The Rock of Love

-- See link to the Columbus Dispatch where this has been tracked

-- What exactly does "awesome" mean?

4. Her favorite recent songs are "Get this party started" by Pink and "Aint No Holla Back Girl" by Gwen Stefani. If you ask nicely she will sing either song for you on request, and there may not be anything funnier than a 50-something women singing that she ain't no holla back girl


Next Weeks Super Happy Fun Time - Ninjas! Ninjas! Ninjas!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy International Migratory Bird Day

Yes ladies and gentlemen, today is International Migratory Bird Day!

How will you spend this sacred occasion? I will be celebrating our fleeing feathered friends along with millions of my fellow "bird shit" worshipers at the International Migratory Bird Day Festival in DC. I have graciously included the details below:

Guided walks, children's games and other games are on tap as the park celebrates the theme of "Tundra to Tropics: Connecting Birds, Habitats and People."

6:30 a.m. Saturday, May 10
Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens
1550 Anacostia Ave. NE Washington, DC

As an alternative, you could also celebrate by attending the National Train Day festivities at Union Station where, if you are extremely well behaved, Santa Claus may grant you with the joy of meeting Al Rocker who is making a "celebrity" appearance.

OR for those of you who are in bed with Satan and do not like Birds or Trains, you can attend some free classes today during "Learn-a-Palooza"

Some of my favorite offerings are the "Driving on Waste Veggie Oil" and "Be a Brazen Burlesque Performer

Till we meet again
--Your friendly acquaintance

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Are robots evil?

Recently a random stranger commented on my initial posting, saying that she was in favor of robots and cocktails. And while I agree that cocktails have enormous potential for Super Happy Fun Time, robots do not add to this experience.

Robots are NOT super happy fun time.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Welcome to Super Happy Fun Time.
A compilation of random rants, stories and ninja trivia.

Rant #1 - The Trauma of naming a blog

After a week or so of being encouraged by co-workers to start a blog, I was finally bored enough at work to create one. First task - pick a name. The first suggestion was to call my masterpiece the "Misanthropic Rant", but that sounded a little too mean. Then we scaled it back to "Misanthropic Tendencies", but that just sounded weird and I don't really like the word "tendency". The second idea was to call it "The friendly acquaintance", but as one of my co-workers pointed out, that made me sound like a dirty old uncle.

So in the spirit of compromise my new blog is entitled "Super Happy Fun Time" [(c) 2007 Amanda and Gina] but I will remain your friendly acquaintance. When I tried to register the address I was told that my chosen address had already been taken. And to add salt to the proverbial wound, when I search for the miscreant who had so callously stolen my name, I discovered the following website:

As you will no doubt notice, nothing has been posted on this site since 2005, so if you ever have the occasion to be in touch with Audry Podry or her robots, please kindly request that she "RELEASE AMANDA's URL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

After I was done with my outburst, I then decided to break form and use the plural superhappyfuntimeS, but because God hates me, this too was already taken. This time the culprit was a gentleman who styled himself "GengisHan" which I might find mildly entertaining save for the fact that once again the URL is not even being put to good use.

So, "misanthropic rants" was reintroduced to the mix as the official blogspot address. So avid readers add the following address to your favorites list immediately

-- your friendly acquaintance